Certified EMF Professional Consultants

EMF Professional Directory is where you will find a "world full" of highly respected Certified EMF Expert Consultants, each of whom has been personally mentored by Senior Electrical Engineer, Chris Young, and passed our rigorous training program, many with awards of distinction.

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Viola, Margaret, Certified EMF Expert, Alabama

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EMF Safety Advocate Groups, USA
Less EMF Product Vendor, USA and Int'l
Staab, Doug, Certified EMF Expert, Phoenix, Arizona
Stanton, Dan, Certified EMF Expert, Arizona and North Carolina
Young, Chris, Certified EMF Expert, Tucson, Arizona
Young, Patricia, Certified EMF Expert, Arizona
Bryant, Read, Certified EMF Expert , Tucson, Arizona
Egland, Summer, Certified EMF Expert, Sedona, Arizona
Smith, Lisa, Certified EMF Expert, Tucson, Arizona

(Click on the State to View Live Listings)
Ambrose, Jill, Certified EMF Expert, California
Mellon, Brandon, Certified EMF Expert , California
Orion, Satya, Certified EMF Expert , Santa Cruz, California
Asaro, Matt, Certified EMF Expert, California
Dischner, Douglas, EMF Service Provider, California
Gerbrandt, Caleb, Certified EMF Expert, California
Myers, Adam, Certified EMF Expert California
Narramore, Dr. Kevin, EMF Service Provider, California
Obrien, Jennifer, Certified EMF Expert, N. California
Robottom, Eileen, Certified EMF Expert, S. California

(Click on the State to View Live Listings)
Bocksch, Gary, Certified EMF Expert,  Colorado
Reimer, Paul, Certified EMF Expert,  Colorado

(Click on the State to View Live Listings)
Shackelford, Shane, Certified EMF Expert, Connecticut

(Click on the State to View Live Listings)
Encarnacion, Dioscorydes, Certified EMF Expert, District of Columbia

(Click on the State to View Live Listings)
Belliveau, James, Certified EMF Expert, Florida
Reader, Gregory, Certified EMF Expert, Florida
Yarosh, Robert, Certified EMF Expert, Florida
Perez, Carrie, Certified EMF Expert, Florida

(Click on the State to View Live Listings)
Annamalai, Devakumar, Certified EMF Expert, Georgia

(Click on the State to View Live Listings)
Altamirano, Regina, Certified EMF Expert, Idaho

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Zivkovic, Zoran, Certified EMF Expert, Illinois
Christensen, Ryan, Certified EMF Expert, Illinois
Jacobs, Mieke, EMF Service Provider, Illinois
Skeels, Mark, Certified EMF Expert, Illinois

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Portz, Karen, Certified EMF Expert United States, Indiana

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Kopfman, Daniel, Certified EMF Expert United States, Kansas

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Szeto, Kin, Certified EMF Expert United States, Maryland

(Click on the State to View Live Listings)
Cummings, Paul, Certified EMF Expert, Massachusetts
Littlehale, Richard, Certified EMF Expert, Massachusetts

(Click on the State to View Live Listings)
Bann, Mary, Certified EMF Expert, Michigan
Brown, Chris, Certified EMF Expert, Michigan

(Click on the State to View Live Listings)

Mitchell, Jordan, Certified EMF Expert, Mississippi
Wells, Roy Certified EMF Expert, Mississippi

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Barr, Sharon, Certified EMF Expert, Missouri

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Miller, Janet, Certified EMF Expert, Montana

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Necker, Richard, Certified EMF Expert,  Nebraska

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Zarrillo, Michael, Certified EMF Expert, New Mexico

(Click on the State to View Live Listings)
Clippinger, Chris Certified EMF Expert, North Carolina
Hall, Jennifer, Certified EMF Expert, North Carolina
Hassler, Terry,Certified EMF Expert. North Carolina
Tierney, RN, Mary Anne EMF Service Provider. North Carolina
Williams, Gary Certified EMF Expert,  North Carolina

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Groves, Matthew, Certified EMF Expert, Ohio

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Wells, Jason, Certified EMF Expert, Oklahoma
Wells, Jolea, Certified EMF Expert, Oklahoma

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Postyeni, Shelly, Certified EMF Expert, Oregon
White, Lynne, EMF Service Provider, Oregon

(Click on the State to View Live Listings)

Sagula, Lee, EMF Service Provider, Pennsylvania

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Dudley, PE, David, Certified EMF Expert, Tennessee
King, Donel, Certified EMF Expert, Tennessee

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Hansen, Laura, Certified EMF Expert, Texas
Heckt, Angela, Certified EMF Expert, Texas
Lipe, Jamie, Certified EMF Expert, Texas
Richards, Steven, Certified EMF Expert, Texas
Richards, Rockie, Certified EMF Expert, Texas
Utesch, A., Certified EMF Expert, Texas
Woodard, Phillip, Certified EMF Expert,Texas
Macdonald, Allan, Certified EMF Expert, Texas

(Click on the State to View Live Listings)
Turgeon, Peter, Certified EMF Expert,  Washington
Carpenter, Wayne, Certified EMF Expert, Washington
Eggert, Sebastian, Certified EMF Expert, Washington
Hetzel, Mimi, Certified EMF Expert , Washington
Huenke, Annette, Certified EMF Expert, Washington
Lawson, Katie, Certified EMF Expert, Washington
Siefken, Kay, Certified EMF Expert, Washington

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Matson, Douglas, Certified EMF Expert, West Virginia

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Bloomer, Mary, Certified EMF Expert, Wisconsin

(Click Here to see Individual Countries)


Stutz, Peter Certified EMF Expert South Africa Western Cape


Bennett, Tracy Certified EMF Expert Australia Queensland
Laycock, Benjamin Certified EMF Expert Australia Victoria


Driedger, Timothy Certified EMF Expert Alberta, Canada
Evstigneev, Eduard Certified EMF Expert Canada Ontario
Chambers, Ross Certified EMF Expert Canada Ontario
Abualkhair, Ahmed Certified EMF Expert Canada, Quebec
Mazzerolle, Jim, Certified EMF Expert, Canada, Courtney, BC


Jones, Jini, Certified EMF Expert India Maharashtra


Lupa, Marius, Certified EMF Expert Romania Prahova


Lejsek, Lukas, Certified EMF Expert  Hertfordshire, UK
Armstrong, Mike, Certified EMF Expert United Kingdom
Williams, Dr Juliet, Certified EMF Expert United Kingdom U.K

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"Awesome certification training!  I hit the ground running (with confidence) the day I finished the course, and my business has been built from the ground up based on the tried and true methods of a true EMF Professional that would have been far beyond me without this training."
   Ross Chambers, Toronto, Canada

"Electrosmog can be more dangerous to you than you think. I was electronically stalked by a cellphone hacker, Chris returned my SOS message within the hour and walked me step by step through how to protect myself right away. I went on to take his excellent training to learn how to protect myself from the many other risks of electronic pollution - I never realized how insidious EMF is!"
          Theresa, San Diego, CA

The Bedroom Sanctuary ebook guided me through everything I needed to know to finally eliminate and block the various sources of EMF in my bedroom causing my sleep disorders. Ah, to sleep perchance to dream - blissfully at last."
                  Chas Chavez, Texas

"This Certification Training is simply the best there is. I thought I would learn how to wave an EMF meter around and that training would be very American based, and instead I learned more professionally valuable, global-in-scope, and life-saving info than I ever imagined. I say 'life saving' because my wife, who took the training with me,  is convinced this training saved her life. Three words of advice: Take this training!"                
            Omar Orillia, Australia

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"EMF Expert Certified Consultants are easy to locate in the Directory, and to me a well trained consultant who's advice you can trust is vital in an area where so much contradictory  information  and outright misinformation abounds on the internet".
               Ronald Sands, UK

"What would I do without my Certified EMF Consultant?  She helped me locate my new home, and now I don't buy any new technology without  at least a phone consultation with her first."
                          Liann, Asian Rim,

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